Thursday, April 17, 2014

Ball-jointed dolls - a new obsession

This is a blog I just created so I can have a place to post some of my doll stuff. I've fallen in love with these ball-jointed dolls and I've finally given in and purchased two resin dolls. One reason I wanted to look into this hobby is my interest in theater and film makeup and wigmaking. I love the idea that I can have tiny little projects to ply these skills on, and at the end of the night it won't necessarily get washed off or I won't have to reset the wig several times a week, like you might do on an opera or theater production. The more I muddled around for the first few weeks with wigmaking for bjd dolls, I realized that there are many tutorials out there, but none of them (that I've read) have the same types of techniques I'm adopting from my short wigmaking internship. I wanted a place to make a tutorial of my own, and also just to store some sort of documentation of my doll projects.

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